We found a bit more expensive restaurant with tables on a balcony, really good food and a very slow waitress. This fish with herbs was excellent and the cook had gone wild with the decorations!
Iltapalaksi söin mereneläväsalaatin. Tosi hyvä iso annos ja tuoreita äyriäisiä. Nam!
Seafood salad for dinner. Big portion and really fresh!

Excited about the great seafood salad the night before I ordered a seafood risotto for lunch the next day. Big mistake. It arrived piping hot, I think I've never had food brought to me so hot before...later I thought that it must have been an attempt to hide that all was not well with this risotto.
Illalla täräytettiin takaisin parvekeravintolaan pullean tarjoilijan kiusaksi. Tilasin mainion näköisen annoksen, jossa ananas oli täytetty kanapadalla. Vaan ennenkuin annos saapui, iski uupumus, zombi olotila ja en sitten pystynytkään syömään kuin pari haarukallista. Epätyypillistä, oli vielä tosi hyvää pataa...no, ruokamyrkytyshän se sieltä teki tuloaan. Saakelin äyriäisrisotto. Yö meni nihkeissä tunnelmissa.
In the evening we went back to the balcony restaurant. I ordered this pineapple filled with chicken stew, but before the food arrived I started feeling really exhausted and weird...like a zombie. In the end I could only eat a forkful, which was annoying because the food was delicious. Something was wrong...well, it was a food poisoning on it's way. That damned seafood risotto. The night was not the best of my life...
Tässä Malecon-rantakadulla sijaitsi mokoma myrkyttäjämesta.
The poisoner restaurant was on Malecon boulevard next to the sea.
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